Real Estate Technology
FORTY YEARS AGO: Valuers had typewriters, film cameras, 7 day film developing, MLS books for comparable sales, pre-printed valuation forms and an office telephone. Floor plans had to be drawn by hand and living areas had to be figured with calculators.…customers had to wait days or weeks for valuations in many cases.
IN THE LAST FOUR DECADES: We have always stayed on the cutting edge and have embraced every real improvement that became available. We were one of the first companies to create valuations with computers.

The internet allows real estate valuers to access electronic databases, digital location & google maps, online cost services, and valuation software upgrades. Internet valuation delivery is now routine. All you need is an email account and the Adobe Acrobat reader. Your report is sent as a PDF file. This reader is free! If you don’t have it you can download it here.
We utilize Valuer’s Choice state of the art Valuation software. Complete Valuation reports with digital color photos, encrypted digital signatures, electronic maps, computer generated floor plan sketches and all related addenda can be emailed to you in less than a minute via our wireless broadband connection.
Our most exciting development over the last couple of years is the self-contained mobile office. Time on the road is normally not very productive – especially with today’s traffic problems. With our mobile offices, our valuers can prepare a valuation while someone else is driving. The valuer can even access the internet while the vehicle is moving and obtain all the electronic data components for the report. The Valuation can also be sent to the customer via the internet from our mobile offices – even in a traffic jam fifty kilometers from the main office!
The future
The Valuer will be able to dictate a valuation directly into a computer back at the office using voice recognition software while out in the field. People who need valuations will be able to receive a completed report in a day or so instead of a week or two!
As every helpful innovation becomes available, you can rest assured that Prestine Properties will be one of the first to test it. If it could help us provide better service to our customers, we will check it out for you.
We have always been pioneers and we will maintain our competitive advantage by making the investments necessary to stay on the cutting edge.